Episode 69: Joe Arce


Joe Arce is a longtime Kansas City photojournalist and the founder of Kansas City Hispanic News. 

Frank met Joe in 1981 when we worked together at WDAF-TV. Joe was the original “one man band” of photojournalism; shooting, interviewing and editing stories all by himself. He found a niche reporting on the Hispanic community in the KC metro. Joe knew there was a void in the local Latino community for news that affected their daily lives. So he took a leap of faith and founded KC Hispanic News. Joe’s dedication to his paper and the community is legendary. 

In this emotional visit between old friends, Frank and Joe talk about history, culture, and moments of impact, including the effect Covid-19 had on him both personally and professionally and the community's loss when Lisa Lopez-Galvin died from a senseless shooting at the Chiefs’ Super Bowl celebration. It’s a story of friendship, KC news, and the vibrance and impact of the Hispanic community in KC.


Episode 70: Denny Matthews


Episode 68: Lonnie McFadden