Episode 70: Denny Matthews


Denny Matthews has been the voice of the Kansas City Royals from their very first game in 1969, and has now broadcast exclusively for the Royals for nearly 50 years. 

From sending his resume and tape to the Royals on a Schlitz tray to the Pro Baseball Hall of Fame, Denny and I reminisce about his storied career. Denny talks growing up in Illinois listening to iconic broadcasters — like the St. Louis Cardinals Jack Buck and the Chicago Cubs Harry Caray — before placing his own legendary stamp on the Royals.

Denny was a great athlete in his own right, playing in spring training games when Whitey Herzog was the Royals manager, and catching passes from legendary Pro Football Hall of Famer, Len Dawson. Denny is a Kansas City treasure, and this episode is a can’t-miss walk down KC memory lane.


Episode 71: Pam Kramer


Episode 69: Joe Arce